🎓 Counselling and psychological services

Individualised attention in academic and personal matters
Psychological guidance and disability assistance


The Counselling and Psychological Services (SAP) is available to students and tutors at the University. Its main mission is to provide:

Academic and personal guidance for students
  • Support for learning difficulties, improving academic performance and information about study methodologies.
  • Psychological counselling for personal problems.
  • Support for new students with difficulties adapting.
  • Advice for students with functional diversity, offering information about the adaptations in terms of methodology they can request depending on their diagnosis and degree of difficulty.
Support for tutors in their work
  • Collaboration with the Office of the Vice-Rector for Students in training tutors.
  • Guidance for tutors in providing personal and academic counselling to their students.

Patricia Antonín García-Mauriño

[email protected]


UAO CEU is an equal-opportunities institution and works to promote the inclusion of students with some kind of disability as part of the university community, offering personalised support in meeting their needs.

  • Personalised support. In order to meet the specific needs of the student we provide the necessary support and materials. This support is aimed not only at students but also at teachers and colleagues. Support will be provided through the Counselling and Psychological Services.
  • Raising awareness. We aim to help the university community to adopt a positive, supportive attitude towards disability.
  • Scholarships. Abat Oliba CEU University, as a member of the Inter-university Council of Catalonia, supports people with disabilities through the UNIDISCAT project (University and Disability in Catalonia). You can download the Guide for Students with Disabilities at University.