The Board of Trustees of Abat Oliba CEU University is the highest collegiate governing body of the University and exercises the functions inherent to that status. The Board of Trustees of Abat Oliba CEU University is the Board of Trustees of the Abat Oliba CEU University Private Foundation.
Composition of the Board of Trustees
The Board of Trustees is composed of both ex officio and elected members.
The following will be ex officio members: the President, the Vice-President, the national councillor of the Catholic Association of Propagandists and the Archbishop of Barcelona. The President of the Catholic Association of Propagandists will be the president of the Board of Trustees with the honorary title of great chancellor of the University.
There will be 12 elected patrons. They must belong to the Catholic Association of Propagandists as active members, and will be elected and relieved in accordance with the Statutes of the Abat Oliba CEU University Private Foundation.
Those elected shall serve a term of four years and may be re-elected twice in succession.
The following people may attend the meetings of the Board of Trustees to discuss one or more items on the agenda, when invited by the President, with a voice but no vote: the Rector of Abat Oliba CEU University, the General Manager of the University, the General Director of the Abat Oliba CEU University Private Foundation or other persons.
The functions of the Board of Trustees of the University are regulated by Article 16 of Agreement GOV/138/2011 of 11 October, which approves the Rules of Organisation and Functioning of Abat Oliba CEU University.
The Board of Trustees is responsible for the representation and government of the University at the highest level; it is autonomous in the fulfilment of its mission, and it can carry out all types of legal acts and business and act within its jurisdiction, notwithstanding the faculties of the Protectorate. It is responsible for ensuring that the Foundation’s purpose is fulfilled, that the funds are used for the benefit of the beneficiaries, and that the income and assets available to the Foundation are used for their intended purpose.
The Board of Trustees has the faculties and powers that the law assigns to this type of body for the effective fulfilment of the foundation’s purposes. In any case, the functions of the Board will be clearly differentiated from the functions of the bodies and management positions.
The trustees must carry out their duties with the diligence of good administrators.
The trustees will be accountable to the Foundation in the fulfilment of its wishes and purposes, as well as answering for any damages caused by act or omission contrary to the law and the statutes, as well as any such acts carried out negligently, in accordance with the regulations in force.
All those who have expressly opposed the agreement determining liability, or who have not participated in the adoption of the agreement, shall be exempt from liability.
The faculties of the Board of Trustees include, among others:
José Masip Marzá, Vice-President ACdP
Mons. Fidel Herráez Vegas, National Councillor ACdP
Mons. Juan José Omella Omella, Cardinal-Archbishop of Barcelona
Juan Bover Fernández de Palencia
Íñigo de Bustos Pardo Manuel de Villena
Gonzalo Fernández Escribano
Consuelo García-Angulo de la Calle
Juan Jurado Ballesta
Consuelo Martínez-Sicluna Sepúlveda
José Manuel Otero Novas
Mª Felicidad Rodríguez Sánchez
Nuria C. Vázquez Freire
Roque Velasco Luque
Governance of the University is described in the provisions of the third title of the Rules of Organisation and Functioning of Abat Oliba CEU University, passed in Agreement GOV/138/2011, of 11 October.
In accordance with Article 29 of the Rules of Organisation and Functioning of Abat Oliba CEU University, the Governing Council is the collegiate body charged with the everyday academic management at the University. Its agreements, taken within the scope of its competences, shall be binding on all other single-member or collegiate bodies of lower rank. The competences of the Governing Council are:
The Governing Council shall be composed of: the Rector, who shall preside over it; the Vice-Rectors; the General Secretary, who shall act as Secretary of the Governing Council; the General Manager; the Deans of Faculties; the Directors of Schools and Centres; and a Director from each Faculty or School.
The University Ombudsman may attend meetings, at the invitation of the Rector, and will have a voice but not a vote. The directors of departments and university research institutes may be summoned by the Rector to be heard by the Governing Council when the Governing Council discusses issues relating to their field, as well as any other persons from the university community the Council may deem appropriate, depending on the specific issues being covered.
The composition of the Governing Council is as follows:
In accordance with the provisions of Article 32 of the Rules of Organisation and Functioning of Abat Oliba CEU University in the 2019–2020 academic year, the Permanent Commission of the Governing Council has been constituted, which acts by delegation of the Governing Council for the resolution of the ordinary affairs of the University.
The Permanent Commission comprises: the Rector, who shall preside over it; the Vice-Rectors, the General Secretary, who shall act as Secretary; the General Manager; and the Faculty Deans.
The Rector is the highest academic authority of the University and, in accordance with the guidelines set by the Board of Trustees, is responsible for the direction, governance and day-to-day management of the University, in accordance with the Rules of Organisation and Functioning, and any other internal regulations. They preside over the University Senate, the Governing Council and any collegiate body they attend.
They also represent the University and preside over all its events, notwithstanding the powers conferred by the Rules of Organisation and Functioning to the President of the Board of Trustees and the Chancellor of the University.
The competences of the Rector are as follows:
The Rector is appointed and removed by the University Board of Trustees, their term of office shall be for a period not exceeding four years, and they may be elected consecutively only once. However, the Board of Trustees has the power to revoke the appointment at any time.
The Rector of Abat Oliba CEU University is Dr. Arcadi Gual Sala.
In accordance with Article 40 of the Rules of Organisation and Functioning of Abat Oliba CEU University, the Rector may propose to the Board of Trustees the appointment of one or more Vice-Rectors from among the University’s doctoral professors, who will take on the functions the Rector has delegated to them.
Abat Oliba CEU University has three faculties:
In accordance with Article 41 of the Rules of Organisation and Functioning of Abat Oliba CEU University, the General Secretary attests to the acts and agreements of the Governing Board, and they are appointed by the Board of Trustees, at the proposal of the Rector, from among the doctoral professors of the University. The competences of the General Secretary are:
The General Secretary of Abat Oliba CEU University is Dr María Jesús Pesqueira Zamora.
In accordance with Article 43 of the Rules of Organisation and Functioning of Abat Oliba CEU University, the General Manager is the role charged with the everyday academic management at the University. The Board of Trustees is responsible for the appointment and removal of this role for a period of four years, which can be renewed indefinitely, although they may be removed at any time by the body that appointed them. The General Manager’s competences are:
The General Manager of Abat Oliba CEU University is Mr. Albert Schaefer
The Advisory Board is the body that connects the University with society: it promotes agreements with companies and institutions to improve the training received by students and help them join the world of work, as well as offering financial support and opening up lines of research of interest for institutions and the surrounding areas. The objectives of the Advisory Board are to:
The Academic Advisory Board is the University’s main scientific advisory body and is responsible for letting the University know about the needs of society in terms of the creation of new degrees or making changes to existing degrees. Its members are:
The University Ombudsman, a person appointed by the Board of Trustees of Abat Oliba CEU University, is charged with the functions of defending and protecting the rights, duties and legitimate interests of members of the university community. Their fundamental aim is to contribute to the improvement of the quality and proper functioning of the University.
Dr Daniel Arasa i Favà
[email protected]
Secretary: Patricia Callejo
Any member of the Abat Oliba CEU University community may contact the University Ombudsman on an individual or collective basis to have a legitimate interest defended.
Any application shall be submitted to the Ombudsman Secretary, signed by the person or persons concerned, with a written, reasoned statement containing the personal details and address for notification purposes
In drawing up the Equality Plan for Abat Oliba CEU University, we have been guided by the understanding that equal opportunities is a value that implies that men and women must have an equal right to be able to apply to and achieve any given job regardless of their gender, without any form of discrimination, be it explicit or implicit. However, in no case should equality be confused with the concept of parity or gender-based quotas.
Since 25 November 2008, when it was passed by the Governing Board, the Equality Commission has worked on designing an equality plan for Abat Oliba CEU University. In the following months, a survey was carried out and presented to the centre’s employees in January 2009, and in the following month, work was started on analysing the data obtained and on drafting the document for the Equality Plan. In December 2009, the draft was submitted to the Rector and Manager for approval. In February 2010, the document was passed, allowing the commission to publish it in March that year.